Mi Hub's global commitment: demonstrating our ethical commitment to our workforce

As a business operating across global supply chains, Mi Hub Ltd are committed to ensuring that the rights of workers are consistently respected.

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Mi Hub's global commitment: demonstrating our ethical commitment to our workforce


Mi Hub considers modern slavery to be a crime of great seriousness, not only in the UK, but also on a global scale. 

The crime is committed by exploiting a victim for someone else’s gain. Modern slavery is an umbrella term and can take many forms including debt bondage or bonded labour, forced labour, child labour, criminal exploitation, sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, domestic servitude, organ harvesting, forced marriage and state-imposed labour, all are underpinned by human trafficking which is the transfer or moving of those in situations of modern slavery or exploitation with the intention of exploitation for personal or financial gain.

As a business with increasing international presence, we look to not only adhere to and appreciate the standard of accountability set by the UK Government in the form of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, but also demonstrate our commitment to affect change within our global business and with our global partners.

Our approach is aligned to the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and reflects human rights as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights.

Mi Hub's evolving ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) strategy is centred around four pillars: Carbon, Environment, People and Governance, with our people and governance objectives stating we will build strong foundations for a responsible business and tackle the following Social Development Goals:

E-WEB-Goal-01    E-WEB-Goal-03    E-WEB-Goal-05    E-WEB-Goal-08    

E-WEB-Goal-10    E-WEB-Goal-12    E-WEB-Goal-16    E-WEB-Goal-17    

As part of this objective, in 2020 Mi Hub joined the Slave- Free Alliance. The Slave-Free Alliance is a social enterprise and membership initiative launched by anti-slavery charity Hope for Justice. We recognised that we needed to be at the forefront of a global movement, demonstrating our ethical commitment to our workforce.


Slave-Free Alliance logo          Hope For Justice logo


Slave -Free Alliance offers a wide range of services and access to its experts, including 

SFA services

The Slave-Free Alliance partnership will provide Mi Hub Ltd with support and guidance on our modern slavery strategy, business policies and access to remedy. During 2020 the Slave Free Alliance conducted a GAP analysis on our approach to modern slavery, highlighting areas of our business that could be strengthened and provided recommendations on how to action their findings. We have since been working through the findings and focused on developing our policies and procedures in line with the advice received. We are also considering ways in which we can take our relationship with the Slave Free Alliance beyond the GAP analysis and exploring different ways in which we can collaborate with them and the benefits that could bring to the people who work in our business and supply chains.

Whilst modern slavery remains a focus, Mi Hub has broadened the scope to look at more human rights' risks. Alongside Slave-Free Alliance, Mi Hub has developed a modern slavery SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) to identify where Mi Hub's top 20 manufacturers are in their modern slavery journey. A weighted risk matrix and risk indicators will help Mi Hub to identify support requirements and implement solutions such as training, education, policy development and guidance. 

Mi Hub are the only corporate uniform supplier who are members of Slave-Free Alliance and the collaboration goes beyond basic requirements for SMETA audit compliance, and provides a focus on the topic of modern slavery itself to help support Mi Hub's factories and minimise risk. 


Mi Hub's Statement on Human Rights: our responsibilities 

As a business operating across global supply chains, Mi Hub Ltd are committed to ensuring that the rights of workers are consistently respected. We understand that we have a responsibility to protect human rights and advocate for better working practices in our own operations and through our supply chains, respecting our colleagues, suppliers and the communities we operate in. We further recognise that transparency plays a key role in this responsibility, and as such our 2023 Human Rights Policy Statement seeks to support our commitment to human rights due diligence (HRDD) through outlining the steps we are taking as a business to address and mitigate our potential human rights impacts.

>> View our Human Right Statement here <<


We are continuously investing in our ESG strategy; and are committed to investigating and implementing initiatives that positively impact our people and planet wherever possible.

Mi ESG Hub



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